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Framework Programmes (FPs), including current FP7, are the main financial tools through
which European Union supports research and development activities covering almost all scientific disciplines. FPs are proposed by the
European Commission and adopted by the European Parliament
following co-decision procedure (view the FP7
approval process).
Move to the EU and Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA) gateway on
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) research and
development. This gateway aims to promote cooperation between research and
industrial communities of the EECA region by providing information about European Union funded projects whose goal is to boost
strategic partnerships between ICT actors.
SCUBE-ICT is an EU funded support action project
focusing on boosting strategic partnerships between Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) researchers and industrial actors from
Ukraine, Belarus and European Union.
The overall objective of the ISTOK-SOYUZ project is to explore new
opportunities for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) collaboration between EU and countries of Eastern Europe & Central Asia (EECA). And to foster the EU ICT programme awareness
activities in order to increase the number of international
collaboration projects involving the partners from EECA countries.
The Scientific
Workshop aimed at participation of Ukrainian research organizations in the
Framework Programme on Information and Communication Technologies will
held in Kharkiv
on May 18-21, 2010. The workshop is
organized by ISTOK-SOYUZ and SCUBE-ICT projects under support of the Seventh Framework Programme of European Union.
Kyiv International Advertising Festival 2010 is the contest open to all agencies, advertisers, clients, design or production
houses, TV houses, media or other parties involved in production of marketing communications in European countries.