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Vera Rich has died on December 20, 2009 in London, UK.

We will remember Vera Rich as the Plenipotentiary
Ambassador of Ukraine in the world of English language culture.

Category: People | Views: 1178 | Added: nickyurchenko | Date: 2009-12-25

Volodymyr Horowitz is Ukrainian-American pianist
(October 1, 1903 — November 5, 1989).
With more 20 Grammy Awards, he is one of the most distinguished pianists of any age.
Move to the International Competition for Young Pianists in memory of Volodymyr Horowitz.

Category: People | Views: 1011 | Added: nickyurchenko | Date: 2009-11-07

Kira Muratova (born in Bessarabia, November 05, 1934)
is Ukrainian film director, screenwriter and actress.
She is well known in Europe for her unusual and original style.

Get more information about Kira Muratova on The Internet Movie Database.

Category: People | Views: 891 | Added: nickyurchenko | Date: 2009-11-06

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